Index to P. R. of Sasines -- Dumfries 1672-1702 ARMSTRONG Agnes Murray spouse of Thomas of Kirceltoun 13 Jan 1680 Vol. 3 Fol. 16 Dumfries ARMSTRONG Thomas of Kirceltoun 13 Jan 1680 Vol. 3 Fol. 16 Dumfries Att Drumfries the Therteinth day of January jajviC Fourscore years this sasine underwryten was presented be James Murray wryter ther to be Reg(istere)d qrof the tenor followes In The Name of god so be it be it known to all men be this present publick testament that upon the nyntein day of November jajviC Seventie Nyne years and of the Rigne of the most heigh mightie and excelent prince Charles be the grace of god King of Great Britain france and Ireland defender of the faith The threttie one year In presence of me Notar publick undersubscrybend and witnesses underwryten Compeirt personallie Agnes Murray spous to Thomas Armstrong of Kirceltoune having and holding in her hands ane band and obligatie conteaneing ane precept of Sasine ??? till maid and granted be the sd Thomas Armstrong in favour of the sd Agnes Murray his spous of the dait? at Craig burne the Nyntein day of November JajviC Seventie and Nyne years be vertue th(er)of and for the singular love and affectione qlk the sd Thomas Armstrong has and beares to the sd Agnes Murray and for ??? deavers good Respectes and Considerationes moveing hime Their for the sd Thomas Armstrong band and oble?dgit him to Infeft and sease the sd Agnes Murray his spous In Lyferent during all the dayes of hir lyftyme In all & haill ane nyntein shill(ing) Land or th(er)by being ane fourt pairt of mideltoune of the Lands of Craige and Housses possest be John Irving and the fors(ai)d Nyntein shilling land lyand be himself lyand within the parish of Stapelgordone and S(heri)ffdome of Drumfries to be holden of him his aires & Successors for payment of the yearlie proportione of feu deutie and ??? deuties contained in feftments Granted to the s(ai)d Thomas Armstrong & his? ther upon &? Conforme th(er)to qlk band & obligatie conteaneing the s(ai)d // precept of Sasine the s(ai)d Agnes presented to the s(ai)d Thomas Hir husband fors(ai)d desyring him to putt the samen to deu execut[] conforme to the tenor open? of qlk desyre the s(ai)d Thomas Armstrong being willing to satisfie the samen received the s(ai)d band and obligatie conteaneing the fors(ai)d precept of sasine in his hands and delivert the samen to me notar publick under Subscrybeand to be red and published in presence of the witnes[] underwryten their present qlk ? die? of the qlk precept of Sasine the tenor followes And? farder? for the s(ai)d Agnes Murray my spous hir better securitie and to the effect she may the better and peaceably? possess be?ok and hoyst? the fors(ai)d lands and housses with the ??? in Lyfrent dureing all the dayes of hir Liftyme witt? ye? me the s(ai)d Thomas Armstrong to have[] maid and Constitut and be thir presents maikes & Constituts --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- my baillies or any of them ??? and sealled in that pairt requyreing you to pes to the ground of the s(ai)d Nyntein shill(ing) Land & housses and their for me and in my Name and behalf to give stait and Sasine actualle reall and Corporall possessione of all and haill the s(ai)d Nyntein shilling Land being one fourt pairt of the Land of mideltoune of craige and housses possest be the s(ai)d John Irving with the ??? of the samen be delyverance of earth and graine of the ground th(er)of to the s(ai)d Agnes Murray my spous in Lyfrent during all the dayes of hir Lyftyme or to hir certaine actions in hir Name bearer of thir presentes efter the forme & tenor of that pub(lished) band and obligatie in all poyntes and rqts. ??? ??? the? ??? ??? The qlk to due? & comitt to you ??? & sealled my fue? xoull? and Comissione be thir presentes[] after Reding of the qlk band and obligatie and precept of Sasine contained theirin The s(ai)d Thomas Armstrong (propri[] manibus) Gave? ??? ?tait and seasine actuall reall and corporall possessione of all and haill the s(ai)d Nyntein shill(ing) Land and housses possest be the s(ai)d John Irving with the p(er)tments throf ?? ard? as s(ai)d it be delyverance of earth and graine of the ground of the s(ai)d Nyntein shilling Land and housses as s(ai)d is to the s(ai)d Agnes Murray being personallie present and acceptand the samen after the forme and tenor of the s(ai)d band & obligatie & precept of seasine containt their In Upon the qlks all and Sundrie the premisses sua? done in maid fores(ai)d The s(ai)d Agnes Murray asked and took Instroments? and ?? ??? ??? hands of me Notar publick underscrybeant the premisses wer[] doune betwixt ane & twa hourse in the afternoone o? ??? day & month & year of god fors(ai)d In presence of Thomas Armstrong of overcraige William Armstrong Law(full?) sone to the s(ai)d Thomas Armstrong of Kirkeltoune and Archbald Irving in midletoune of Craig witness(es) fyeal?? callit & Requyred to the premisses Et ego veno? ind(??) Robert(us) Bell ... [More Latin Here!] ... acti // parliamenti adimissis gria? omnibus et singulis premisssis dein sic ut premittitor frevent rum prenominatis tesibis p??(?) facte fui ??? omnia et singula supres??(?) sic frerj vej stilj et audivj et in notam corpi ???? ... [And yet more] Summary Date: 13/Jan/1680 (written up) 19/Nov/1679 (events took place) Places: Craig, Parish of Staplegordon (4km NNE of Langholm, Dumfries & Galloway) Property: The Nineteen Shilling land being one fourth part of the lands of Middletown of Craig and houses in the possession of John Irving Names: Agnes Murray spouse of Thomas Armstrong of Kirtletown Thomas Armstrong of Kirtletown James Murray - writer (solicitor) of Dumfries Robert Bell - Notary Public Thomas Armstrong of Overcraig - witness William Armstrong son of Thomas Armstrong of Kirtletown - witness Archibald Irving in Middletown of Craig Conclusions 19 Nov 1679 Thomas Armstrong and Agnes Murray of Kirtletown are married with a son William old enough to bear witness.