Edin. 9th July 1791 My Lord It gives me the utmost pain to trouble your Lordship with this Letter. -- But I trust your known Goodness of heart will plead my excuse better than I can express it. -- From what passed at a meeting of the Faculty this Day, I have been informed (for I was not present) that there may be some risk of a vacancy in the Sheriffship of Dumfries. -- If your Lordship shall be of Opinion that I am a fit Person to fill such an office, I hope you will not think it wrong in me, most earnestly to request your Support. -- Mr Dundas I should gladly flatter my self will not be Averse to such an Appointment; but this and every thing else upon the Business I leave to your Lordship. I am so much Distressed and Agitated with what has happened, which I never knew any thing of until last night, that I doubt if I have expressed myself in such terms as I ought. -- It wd be too much presumption to beg the honour of an answer. -- I have the honour to be My Lord your Lordships most obedt. & obliged Servt. R. O. Dalzell