Haec Inquisitio facta fuit in praetorio burgi de Annan quarto die mensis Julij millesimo septingentesimo nonagesimo et quinto Coram Joanne Johnston de Murrayfield praeposito Andrea Little et Jonne Irving balivis dicti burgi per hos probos et fideles homines patriae vizt. Richardum Graham scribam in Annan Joannem Little Scribam ibidem Gulielmum Martin Scribam in Lockerbie Andream Jackson in Annan Gulielmum Carruthers ibidem Robertum Irvine de Woodhall Georgium Richardson nuper praepositum de Annan Thomam Williamson mercatorem in Annan Joannem Dalgleish coriarium ibidem Jacobum Thomson fabrum ferrarium ibidem Michaelem Robieson cauponem ibidem Joannem Birrell in Annan Jacobum Beattie fabrum ibidem Thomam Holliday ibidem et Robertum Farish ibidem Qui jurati Dicunt magno Sacramento interveniente Quod quondam Edwardus Buncle de Hook Pater Margareta Buncle uxoris Davidis Armstrong nuper de Kirtleton latricis praesentium obiit ad fidem et pacem Regis Et quod dict. Margareta Buncle est legitima et propinquior haeres dict. quondam Edwardi Buncle ejius patris Et quod est legitimae aetatis In Cujus Rei Testimonium Sigilla quorundam eorum qui dict. inquisitioni intererant sunt appensa una cum brevi regis incluso nec non cum subscriptione manuali Joannis Foot clerici deputati dicti burgi ac notarij publici loco die mense et anno praescript. (Sic subscr.) John Foot Dept. Junij 13tio 1828 This Inquiry topok place in the Town Hall of the Town of Annan on the fourth day of the month of July one thousand seven hundred and ninety five Before John Johnston of Murrayfield deputy for Andrew Little and John Irving Baillies of the said town by these upright and faithful men of the locality viz: Richard Graham, Writer of Annan, John Little, Writer of Annan, William Martin, Writer of Lockerbie, Andrew Jackson of Annan, William Carruthers of Annan, Robert Irvine of Woodhall, George Richardson, late Deputy of Annan, Thomas Williamson, Merchant of Annan, John Dalgleish, Tanner of Annan, James Thomson, Blacksmith of Annan, Michael Robieson, Innkeeper of Annan, John Birrell of Annan, James Beattie, Workman of Annan, Thomas Holliday of Annan and Robert Farish of Annan; Who swearing on the bible say that the late Edward Buncle of Hook, father of Margaret Buncle wife of David Armstrong formerly of Kirtleton in this county, died in the faith and peace of the King And that the said Margaret Buncle is the lawful and nearest heir of the said late Edward Buncle her father And that she is of lawful age. In witness of which the seals of those who were present are affixed [...] signed in the hand of John Foot deputy clerk of the said town and notary public at the place day month and year above stated. (thus signed) John Foot Dept. June 13th 1828 Conclusions: In 1795 -- Edward Buncle has died. Margaret Buncle his daughter and wife of David Armstrong is his heiress in 1828 -- It is important to establish the line of inheritance from Edward Buncle via Margaret Buncle to Edward Armstrong (who has recently died) and his son Edward Armstrong. I would be interested in any corrections or improvements to the transcription and translation (especially where marked with "?" or "...") and thoughts about my conclusions and whether they are justified.