Haec Inquisitio facta fuit in Curia Burgi de Dumfries tenta in praetorio dicti burgi die octavo mensis Martij anno Domine millesimo octingentesimo et vigesimo octavo ??? Georgij Quarti Dei gratia Britanniarum Regis fideique defensoris anno nono Coram Joanne MacGeorge armigero uno Balivorum praedicti burgi per hos probos et fideles homines patriae viz.t Jacobum Spalding Scribam in Dumfries Cancellarium Jacobum Wright Carolum McGeorge Joannem Ramsay Joannem Thorburn Christopherum Smyth Thomam Crosbie Joannem Sanders Alexandrum Landeburgh Robertum McLellan Gulielmum Primrose Joannem Hannah Gulielmum McGowan Georgium Dawson et Jacobum Broom omnes scribas in Dumfries Qui Jurati magno Sacramento interviente Dicunt Quod quondam David Armstrong unica proles procreat. e nuptiis inter Edwardum Armstrong de Hook et decessam Helenam Myrtle ejus primam uxorem frater Edwardi Armstrong filij natii maximi procreat. e nuptiis inter dict. Edwardum Armstrong et Magistram Jeanam Howe ejus secundam uxorem obiit ultimo vestil et sasit ut de feodo ad fidem et pacem regiam Et quod dictus Edwardus Armstrong lator praesentium est propinquior et legitimus haeres dict. quondam Davidis Armstrong ejus fratris Et est legitimae aetatis In Cujus Rei Testimonium Sigilla eorum qui dict. inquisitioni intererant facien? nec non Sigillum dicti balivi una cum sigillo et manuali subscriptione Francisci Shortt notarij publici et conjuncti clerici communis dicti burgi praesentibus sunt appenda brevi regio debite executo etiam appenso Extractum per (Sic subscribitur) Fras. Shortt Mar 24to 1828 This inquiry took place in the court of the town of Dumfries, held in the Town Hall of the said town, on the eighth day of the month of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight, [???] George IV by the grace of God King of Great Britain Defender of the Faith in the ninth year of his reign, Before John MacGregor Esquire one of the baillies of the said town, by these proven and faithful men of this country viz: James Spalding Writer in Dumfries, Councillor James Wright, Charles McGeorge, John Ramsay, John Thorburn, Christopher Smyth, Thomas Crosbie, John Sanders, Alexander Landeburgh, Robert McLellan, William Primrose, John Hannah, William McGowan, George Dawson and James Broom all writers in Dumfries; Who swearing on the Bible Say that the late David Armstrong only son of the marriage between Edward Armstrong of Hook and his deceased wife Helen Myrtle, his first wife; brother of Edward Armstrong first born son of the marriage between the said Edward Armstrong and Mistress Jean Howe his second wife; died recently vest and seased in fee to the faith and peace of the king; And the the said Edward Armstrong [present bearer of that name?] is the nearest and lawful heir to the said late David Armstrong his brother And is of lawful age. In witness of which the seals of those who were present at the said inquiry [making nor not??] the seal of the said baillie with one seal and signed in the hand of Francis Shortt Notary Public and Town Clerk of the said Town being present are appended [???] now ... 24th March 1828 Conclusions: In 1828 -- Edward Armstrong Senior has died. David Armstrong his first and only son by his first wife Helen Myrtle has also died. Edward Armstrong his first born son by his second wife Jane Howe is the heir both to Edward Armstrong Senior and to David Armstrong. I would be interested in any corrections or improvements to the transcription and translation (especially where marked with "?" or "...") and thoughts about my conclusions and whether they are justified.